9th International Summer School on Training And Research On Testing
SIAF center, Volterra, Italy
9-13 July, 2013 (in collaboration with the ISSTA 2013 DS and the AST 2013 )


Welcome to the TAROT 2013 website.

TAROT (Training And Research On Testing) is a network created to foster the mobility of students, faculty members and research scientists working in the field of testing of software and communication systems. Because of its success, this network is continued beyond its original Marie Curie Research Training Network funding.

This summer school brings together lecturers, researchers, students and people from the industry across Europe for one week of presentations, discussions and getting to know each other.

The main goal of the TAROT Summer School is to give researchers and particularly Ph.D. students the opportunity to follow a number of tutorials or invited talks by key experts in the field.

I am very glad to inform you about some specificities of this edition:

  • - the TAROT 2013 will be organized in collaboration with the ISSTA 2013 Doctoral Symposium (more information to come);
  • - the TAROT 2013 will feature a half day working meeting, where students will have the possibility to share opinions with worldwide researchers on software testing;
  • - the TAROT Summer School will also feature presentations of international research projects.

The TAROT Summer School is open to researchers from any institution in the world, working in the area of testing, both from academia and industry.

Ph.D. students requiring to take an examination for specific tutorials should specify this in the registration form.

To stay tuned, register to our Facebook group and listen to our Tweets.

Hope to see you all in Volterra

Henry Muccini
TAROT 2013 School Director